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Enjoy FREE and fast delivery to Malaysia
Amazon.sg www.amazon.sg International Free Delivery is available on eligible products shipped to Malaysia where orders have an aggregate value of S$40 or more.
- Set your delivery address to Malaysia
- Each eligible item will display “FREE Delivery” at item detail page
- Review your Shopping Cart to see if your order qualifies for free Delivery
- If your order qualifies for free delivery, it will be pre-selected at checkout
Not all items are eligible for Free Delivery. Look for “FREE Delivery” at item detail page. Once you have a cart with Eligible Items and exceed the threshold, you will see the FREE International Standard Delivery option at checkout.
Estimated delivery time will be provided at checkout and varies depending on item availability & delivery address.
There are several reasons why your order may not qualify. Free delivery is available if your shipping address is in Malaysia, your items are eligible, and your total order value for eligible items (a) shipped and sold by Amazon US; (b) shipped from and sold by Amazon SG or (c) fulfilled by Amazon meets the minimum Free Shipping threshold of S$40. Note that Amazon US items do not count towards minimum S$40 free shipping threshold of eligible items shipped and sold by Amazon SG and fulfilled by Amazon, and vice versa. If your cart contains non-eligible items, you might be charged shipping fees for these items.
Terms & Conditions
- To qualify for free delivery, (a) build a cart of at least S$40 for items shipped and sold by Amazon US; or (b) build a cart of at least S$40 for items shipped and sold by Amazon SG or fulfilled by Amazon. Note: Amazon US items do not count towards S$40 of eligible items from Amazon SG or fulfilled by Amazon, and vice versa
- If your order does not qualify for Free shipping, it may contain ineligible items such as bulky goods or special products, or eligible cart items may not have reached the S$40 threshold.
- Cancelling items, combining orders or changing your delivery address, speed or preference might affect your order’s Free delivery eligibility.
- If your order qualifies for Free delivery, you will still be charged a delivery fee on any ineligible items in the order.
- If your order is for delivery to multiple addresses, you can use the Multiple Address function. To qualify for Free Delivery, the value of the delivery going to each address must meet the applicable minimum spend detailed above.
- Amazon reserves the right to change or discontinue this offer or free delivery at any time for orders placed after such change is published on Amazon.sg.
- Offer is non-transferable, may not be resold and may not be redeemed for cash.
- If any of the products or content related to this offer are returned, your refund will equal the amount you paid for the product or content, subject to applicable refund policies.
- If you violate any of these terms, the offer will be invalid.
- If you do not purchase the qualifying items added to your shopping cart when the promotion is in effect, the offer will not apply.
- Amazon International Store’s Conditions of Sale apply for items sold and fulfilled by Amazon US.
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