Starbucks NEW Triple Jelly & Strawberry Cheesecake Frappuccinos Offer 9 Jun 2015

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Summer at Starbucks Malaysia will inspire you to dream big.

Simply “Sip, Sip, Go!” with new Frappuccino Blended Beverages and make the most of your summer by exploring new places, new people, and embrace new adventures – big or small.

The new Triple Jelly Frappuccino is the ultimate indulgence for true coffee lovers, inspired by Starbucks finest coffees from around the world. This blended beverage combines layers of delicious coffee jelly, cool ice blended coffee, and espresso whipped cream topped with coffee grind sprinkles. There’s no coffee experience quite like it!

The returning favorite Strawberry Cheesecake Frappuccino is inspired by one of the world’s favorite and most decadent desserts. The always delicious Strawberries and Cream Frappuccino is now topped with a cream cheese whipped cream, graham cookie crumbles, and strawberry drizzle. A delicious fruity sensation!

These beverages are the perfect blend of creamy comfort, delicious taste and revitalization that will fuel your next on-the-go adventure.

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