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Check out Sony Notebooks and TVs Offers at IOI Mall, Berjaya Times Square and Sunway Pyramid for a limited time
Notebooks listed are
- Sony SVF14217SG Notebook
- Sony SVF14319SG Notebook
- Sony SVD11215CV Notebook
TVs listed are
- Sony KDL-60R550 TV
- Sony KDL-55W954A TV
- Sony KLV-46W704A TV
- Sony KDL-42W804A TV
- Sony KDL-55W804A TV
- Sony KLV-40R452A TV
- Sony KLV-46R452A TV
- Sony KDL-46W904A TV
- Sony KDL-55W904A TV
- Sony KDL-32W674A TV
- Sony KDL-42W674A TV
Other terms and conditions apply.
See ad images for price list and more details
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